

Donate online, by bank transfer or postal payment.

PayPal is the safe method to make donations chosen by Associazione KIM. With just a few clicks. You can donate online, using your credit card, even if you do not have a PayPal account. Remember that you can choose between a single donation or recurring (every month) donations.

You can donate also by bank transfer or postal payment:

  • Bank Transfer

    payable to: Associazione KIM Onlus
    Unicredit Conto Solidarietà (COD.BIC/SWIFT:UNCRITM1RNP) 
    IBAN: IT35Y0200803284000102791608
    or Banca Popolare Etica (COD.BIC/SWIFT:CCRTIT2T)
    IBAN: IT77S0501803200000011073731


  • Postal transfer

    payable to: Associazione KIM Onlus
    IBAN: IT24Z0760103200000095051009


  • Postal Current Account No. 95051009 (COD.BIC/SWIFT:BPPIITRRXXX)

    payable to: Associazione Kim Onlus – Via Villa Troili, 46 – 00163 Rome


You can support KIM in many other ways.
For any information on solidarity events, memorial donations, bequests, 5×1000 (5‰ of the income tax) and other forms of contribution, please contact us by writing to segreteria@associazionekim.itor by calling +39 06 665 144 79.