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Are You a company? Do you want your employees to have a group bonding experience? You are in the right place!

Associazione KIM offers Companies and Businesses the possibility to organize one or more days of group volunteer work. A learning opportunity to help the work team grow and let people living in a different context experience the daily life of a Reception facility.

The activities proposed to the group of volunteers shall be:

  • practical and manual (maintenance, restoration and enhancement of the Reception Centre, landscaping and cleaning of green spaces, painting of a room, assembling and/or moving of furniture or similar activities);
  • entertainment for attending guests (organization of trips, drawing and painting workshops, group games for children, designed according to their age).

Various experiences were made in recent years with many business groups.

These experiences often left an important mark on the volunteers, many smiles to our young guests and a truly useful contribution to KIM’s most practical needs.

If you are a company and you want to support the activities of Associazione KIM with a donation kindly visit the Donations page.